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Dimensions3200 x 2400
Original file size2.96 MB
Image typeJPEG
M81/M82/NGC3077 Deep

M81/M82/NGC3077 Deep

Updated: 3/18/2022
Date Taken: 3/26/2014, 4/1/2014, 4/23/2014, 4/26/2014
Scope: William Optics Megrez 90 with Televue 0.8x FR/FF, f/5.5, 496mm
Camera: QSI 583wsg with Astrodon Tru-Balance E-Series Gen2 filters
Temp: -15C
Mount: Losmandy G-11 Gemini
Guiding: Lodestar, off-axis
Exposure: LRGB 570:240:220:225 all unbinned.

Calibrated and Stacked with CCDStack 2; RGB combine and DDP with Maxim DL; Final processing with CS4

Four nights on the same target, 20.9 hours total exposure. This was my first attempt to truly go 'deep' and see how much of the intergalactic flux nebula (IFN) would show up. I've also never processed an image like this before. I was quite pleased with the result.

Updated 3/18/2022:

Reprocessed for better color, sharpening, and to show more of the IFN.