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Dimensions3600 x 2400
Original file size3.24 MB
Image typeJPEG
M8 - The Lagoon Nebula with Ha

M8 - The Lagoon Nebula with Ha

Date Posted: 9/21/2021
Date Taken: 6/5/2021, 6/14/2021, 6/17/2021, 6/27/2021
Scope: Planewave CDK 12.5 f/8, 2541mm
Camera: SBIG STL-11000 with Astrodon Tru-Balance E-Series Gen2 filters
Temp: -15C, -12C, -10C
Mount: Losmandy Titan
Guiding: On-axis via ONAG-XM and SX UltraStar at 2541mm. FocusLock real-time focus for focusing.
Exposure: LHaRGB, 250:250:100:120:120. Luminance 10min unbinned; Ha 15min unbinned; RGB 5min binned 2x2.

Calibrated and Stacked with CCDStack2. Processed with CS4.

For this version I added Ha to both the red channel, and the luminance. It didn't dramatically brighten the red channel, but it did alter the contrast in some areas. I also created a hybrid luminance. The brighter stars still looked funky, so I copied the brighter stars from the LRGB version, and then layered the original LRGB image at 50% to bring back some of the dimmer stars.

Similar to The Eagle nebula, I like both the LRGB and LHaRGB versions, so I kept both.